Monday, September 30, 2019

An Analysis of Lord of the Flies by William Golding Essay

Savage vs. Civilized The main concern of Lord of the flies is the conflict between the two competing drives that all humans have; to live by the rules and act right or to defy the rules and act on ones desires. Meaning Savage vs. Civilized. William Golding associates the instinct of civilization with good and the instinct of savage with evil. In the story the character Ralph is the protagonist who represents civilized, leadership, and order. On the other hand Jack is the antagonist and represents savagery and the desire for power. William implies that people are much more prone to the instinct of savagery than the instinct of civilization, especially without authority. In the beginning of the story, the meetings that the group has are very civilized and everybody abides by the rules. They form a society that has a leader (Ralph) and have a symbol of authority, which is a conch shell. They all listen to Ralph and use the conch shell to talk during the meetings; making the meetings very civilized. In the beginning they all do their part whether it be watching the fire, building things, going hunting for food, or getting water, they all did their part. As the story goes on most of the kids start slacking and the jobs are not being done well; they are becoming more savage. For instance the fire goes out when a ship passes, there is not much water in the coconuts, and only 2 people build the last shelter. The kids can’t even have a civilized meeting, and the conch shell is not being put to use as it should be. During the meeting piggy says† What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages? What’s grownups going to think? Going off- hunting pigs- letting out fires- and now! † By piggy saying this, it shows that the kids really are acting like wild animals and little savages. They are no longer thinking before they are doing things and have no sense of control or authority. They are beginning to go wild and the instinct of savage is kicking in.

Globalization and Immigration

Introduction Nowadays migration is getting to be one of the dominant characteristics of the modern world since at the present moment that movement of people and migration of citizens from one country to another become a norm. Not surprisingly that such unparallel and extremely high level of migration results in substantial demographic, ethnical and socio-cultural changes in many countries of the world. In this respect, it is worthy of mention that such a situation with the migration is the result of the recent trend in the world economy which is characterized by processes which are generally called globalization. The process of globalization is overwhelming and involves practically all countries of the world with rare exceptions which are traditionally rogue-states like Northern Korea, or other countries that stand on positions of isolation from the rest of the world. Consequently, a great majority of countries are involved in this process and tend to develop international relations on all levels, including cultural, political and especially economic, since globalization is primarily economic phenomenon that resulted in globalization of international relations on all other levels. In such a situation, it is quite natural that the process of migration is also affected dramatically by globalization. On the other hand, it is necessary to underline that, being a relatively new phenomenon, globalization is an extremely controversial process. Since its beginning, which is traditionally dated back to 1980s, there have been arguments concerning the effect the globalization may have on different countries. Such continues now and they have probably become even more serious and more controversial. However, there is a viewpoint, according to which globalization is rather positive phenomenon. On the other hand, there is a contrary belief that it is an extremely negative process. Naturally, such a controversial interpretation of globalization makes migration also quite contradictive. In fact, it is really important to find out what is the real effect of migration on all countries involved in the process which of them benefit from it and which lose, if any, or else what is the future of migration in the context of globalization. Globalization as the defining factor of migration In order to understand all current trends in the process of migration, it is necessary to briefly discuss the role of globalization in this process and its general effect. In actuality, globalization is considered to get started in 1980s. It was the result of a rapid progress of science and technologies accompanied with a rapid development of some countries that have never been among the world economic leaders before. Later, in 1990 this process became more obvious and globalization has become really global. The development of informational technologies, Internet and telecommunications made a particularly significant contribution to this process. As a result nowadays there are many international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization, as well as there are a lot of regional organizations, all of them aiming at pedaling the process of globalization and faster development of international economic cooperation between countries. In such a situation geographical boundaries between countries tend to disappear and, consequently, it is supposed that there will be fewer obstacles on the way of migrants. In this respect, it is worthy of mention that traditionally population movements â€Å"have taken place side by side with the development of contacts and flows between different societies and cultures† (Khor 2001:274). This is why the essence of globalization seems to contribute to elimination of barriers between countries and increase of the level of contacts and flows between different countries worldwide. Speaking about the essence of globalization in details, it should be said that globalization is characterized by economic specialization of different countries. It means that in the global market each country tends to occupy its own niche and sell the products or services it is the most competitive in. Naturally, it resulted in an extreme specialization of countries that makes their economies one-sided, and consequently more exposed to economic and social crisis. However, globalization developed international contacts and made it possible to cooperate on the global scale. As a result, nowadays, basically due to the high level of development of IT and Internet, specialists physically living in different countries of the world may work on one and the same product. So, it may be said that globalization â€Å"eliminated geographical boundaries between countries† (Gomory 2002:187). As for its effects, they are quite contradictive. The contrast is particularly obvious between well-developed countries and developing ones. In short, its effect may be expressed in one phrase, richer countries become richer, and poor countries become poorer. Though it sounds a bit radical and more precisely, it should be said that globalization makes developing countries more dependant on well-developed and it also makes practically all the countries of the world more submitted to global crisis since their economies are closely interlinked than a crisis in one country would lead to the same effect on economies of other countries that are its economic partners. In this respect, migration seems to be probably the most effective by such a striking contrast that leads to high level of emigration from developing countries and respectively high level of immigration in developed countries. This means that people from developing and poor countries prefer to move to developed and rich countries. Moreover, this process keeps growing despite the fact that globalization produced a positive influence on international trade flows that have increased significantly since the beginning of the process of globalization. Presumably, it should really improve the situation in developing countries and decrease the level of emigration. Nonetheless, in actuality the trend, which will be discussed in details a bit later, remains practically unchangeable even though many developed countries attempt to create certain artificial barriers to both legal and illegal immigration. In such a way it is necessary to remember that globalization is a dubious process that has both positive and negative sides and migration is highly dependent on this process to the extent that the basic migration flows are defined by the current situation in the global economy and possibilities of population movement between different countries. The current situation and problems of migration In fact, the current situation, when the world economy becomes more and more unified and practically all countries of the world are involved in the international trade and economic relations, it seems as if there remains little room for obstacles on the way of free population movement. Nonetheless, it is necessary to remember about a stark contrast between developed and developing countries which seem to get aggravated by the progress of globalization and the gap between rich and poor states keeps growing. Naturally, this gap, to a significant extent defines the current flows of population movement, i. e. migration. Basically, the current trends reveal the fact that people living in developing countries prefer to emigrate to well-developed and rich states where they suppose to have more opportunities to improve their life. Not surprisingly that some specialists underline that â€Å"the basic determinants of the international migration lie in the inequalities that exist in levels of development, and the enormous magnitude, persistence and flagrancy of those inequalities in the globalized world of today heighten the so-called pressures for migration† (Theissen 2006:8). Consequently, it would be logical to wonder what these ‘pressures’ exactly are. In order to answer this question, it is necessary to just briefly return to the basic socio-economic differences between developing and developed countries. On doing this, it will be obvious that it is the desperate socio-economic position of people in developing countries that force them to live their motherland and move to developed countries. In such a situation the negative effect of globalization on migration in global terms is quite evident since â€Å"economic policies pursued in the name of globalization, such as deregulation, free trade, and emphasis on exports may better some lives, but the poorest end up even more poor† (Weisman 2006:75). Consequently, the socio-economic situation in developing countries is getting to deteriorate and simply forces people to emigrate in search of better life and specialists emphasize that â€Å"most people migrate because they are poor – because they can’t feed their families, because they lost their jobs, because there is no hope of better life in their country† (Weiler 2002:104). One of the evidences of this negative impact of globalization on migration is the high rates of immigrants working in developed countries. In this respect it is worthy to look at Figure 1 which reveals that immigrants constitute a substantial part of the national labor force market in the US and basically they arrive from poor and developing countries of Latin America. Furthermore, the similar trends may be observed in other developing countries. However, poverty is not the only reason for population movement from developing countries to developed one. For instance, the UAE, being a developing country, is characterized by a relatively stable socio-economic life and often the reasons local people take a decision to live the country may vary, among which education is probably one of the most important since basically this state currently exploits its natural resources and in a long-term perspective the prosperity of the state would decrease along with decrease of natural resources’ potential. As a result, people do not simply find any real perspectives and they leave the country in search of new opportunities to find their own way in life. Moreover, links with foreign companies also contributes to the process of emigration which firstly provides opportunities to get education, secondly, get acquainted with a different lifestyle, and, finally, find alternative way of life than the one that is traditionally followed in the UAE. In this respect, globalization contributes to higher opportunities for local people to communicate with different cultures and move relatively freely in any country in the world. At the same time, it should be pointed out that the US is not the only country which is a kind of Promised Land from migrants from developing countries. For instance, Figure 2 show that the number of immigrants from Latin America and Caribbean in European countries is also quite significant, especially if one takes into consideration the distance between this region and other developed countries. Naturally, it is important to analyze the effects of such a trend in migration in the modern globalized world. In fact, the current policy of many developed countries, such as the US, or some countries of the EU such as France, indicate at the fact that new immigrants is a very serious problem for these states and this is why they attempt to thoroughly control the process of immigration and limit the access of new immigrants to their territories. In fact, this policy is a natural reaction on the effects of migration in globalized world. First of all, new immigrants provoke high level of competition in the national labor force markets in developed countries, to the extent, that the level of unemployment, especially among native population, may increase dramatically. The reason is quite simple immigrants are traditionally characterized as cheaper labor force, which though, as a rule, is not well qualified, or even semi-qualified or non-qualified at all. At the same time, immigrants, on receiving official status, demand the national government meets their needs and it is not a secret that national government has to fund immigrants whose socio-economic status is extremely low and naturally it is done with the money of tax-payers which are mainly native born. On the other hand, the migration from developing countries into developed is crucial for the former as well because it undermines the local labor force markets since the best specialists prefer to flow in a developed country than stay in a developing one and this process is known as brain drain (Khor 2001). In such a way, it is possible to say that the effects of the current migration dramatically influenced by the process of globalization is quite negative, though developed states are in a better position since they can improve the demographic situation while in developing ones it is deteriorated. Conclusion: perspectives of migration in the context of globalization Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that the current trends in migration are rather negative than positive. In long term-perspective, the situation may get even worse if the current trends remain unchanged. To put it more precisely, it is obvious that the high level of immigrants in developed countries would be only partially beneficial for developed countries which can increase the number of working people due to immigrants and, consequently their economies will have opportunities for the further growth. On the other hand, this creates tension between native born labor force and immigrants whose labor is cheaper and, consequently, more attractive for employers. At the same time, immigrants also need health care protection, education, social guarantees, etc. thus, they need additional funding because of their poor socio-economic position and it is an additional burden for a state of any developed country. At the same time, developing countries also lose most qualified specialists and what is more younger generations are emigrating while the remaining population will risk to gradually grow older in national terms, i. e. gradually population of developing countries will grow older as it i s now in developed states but there will be little immigrants who could close the demographic gap caused by high level of emigration. Consequently, it is possible to presuppose that in the future developed countries would make their immigration legislation stricter and limit the access of immigrants while developing countries would stimulate local population to refuse from the idea of emigration. ibliography: 1. Danaher, C. Seven Arguments for Reforming World Economy. London: Routeledge, 1999. 2. Gomory, R. E. Globalization: Causes and Effects. New York: Touchstone, 2002. 3. http://www. wto. org/english/res_e/statis_e/its2002_e/its02_toc_e. htm 4. http://www. worldbank. org/data/countrydata/countrydata. html 5. Khor, M. Global Economy and the Third World. New York: New Publishers, 2001. 6. Schmidley, A. and Gibson, C. â€Å"Profile of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States 1997†, Current Population Trend, series p. 123-195, 1999. 7. Theissen, C. Globaleyes: Globalization and Migration. Retrieved Dec. 17, 2006 from http://www. mcc. org/economicglobalization/viewpoints/perspectives/globaleyes/migration. html 8. Van der Borght, K. Essays on the Future of the WTO: Finding a New Balance. London: Routledge, 2000. 9. Weiler, J. The EU, the WTO, and NAFTA: Towards a Common Law of International Trade. New York: Guilford, 2002.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

One of the Greatest Founding Fathers of America

Alexander Hamilton was one of the Continental Army officers, who served George Washington during the American war of Independence. Hamilton prevailed over the greatest difficulties and miseries like penury and illegitimacy, while gaining the auspicious position as aide-de-camp to George Washington. Hamilton and Washington work hand in hand for more than quarter of century during the Revolutionary War, Hamilton helped Washington in framing the Constitution, and finally the Presidency of the US. The unyielding reputation Alexander Hamilton had enjoyed during the Revolutionary War put him among the greatest heroes of American history.Hamilton was the strongest advocate of the Constitution, and his contribution to the substance of American government is incomparable. Even today after the passage of two centuries, Hamilton’s importance remains unmatched. He will always be remembered for his financial prowess, principled politics, intellectual depth, and hard work. $10 bill of US cu rrency still reminds us of the only non-presidential face besides Franklin to appear on currency note. Hamilton’s Early Life Alexander Hamilton’s early life was not an auspicious by any means; he was born in 1755 in the British West Indies.His father, James Hamilton, was a merchant, could not come to America because of debt. Hamilton’s mother, Rachel Fawcett, had to depended upon friends and family to survival in the new land. When Hamilton reached the age of ten, the family moved to a small island of St. Croix, where his mother could not survive more than few months. Although Hamilton could not get the proper school education, but he excelled himself as a mercantile clerk upon the encouragement of friends and relatives. His formal education began when a Presbyterian minister Reverend Hugh Knox gave a sermon, which proved inspiring to him.Reverend Hugh Knox raised funds to send Alexander away to school in 1773. He entered Kings College in 1774. â€Å"He was qui te a mature young man, with a strong grasp on political issues with a working knowledge of British and American government, which he exhibited in a series of anonymous pamphlets so discerning; they were attributed to John Jay. He was only 17 at the time†. (Frisch, 33) Hamilton’s Military Career In 1775, he discontinued his education, and on March 1776 he founded a volunteer military company.He was then commissioned as Captain of the Provincial Company on New York Artillery. He demonstrated immense talent and intellect in his duties with artillery that Nathanael Green took notice of him. â€Å"He was asked to serve on the staff of Lord Stirling, which he declined, and continued his career with the artillery effectively at Long Island, Harlem Heights, White Plains†¦ as well as seeing action at Trenton and Princeton in the New Jersey campaign†. (Cooke, 71) Hamilton did not study military history and tactics in any institution but developed the military acumen o n his own.Hamilton led a successful raid for British cannon in the Battery, the capture of which resulted in the Hearts of Oak becoming an artillery company thereafter. Through his connections with influential New York patriots like Alexander McDougall and John Jay, he raised his own artillery company of sixty men in 1776, drilling them, selecting and purchasing their uniforms with donated funds, and winning their loyalty; they chose the young man as their captain. Association with George Washington In the campaign of 1776 around New York, Hamilton’s proficiency and bravery got the attention of George Washington.After Hamilton's gallantry and heroic accomplishment displayed at the crucial engagement at Trenton, he was appointed an aide to General Washington. In this position his writing skills and keen sense of judgement would prove essential to the highest command in the army. The 1777 winter encampment at Morristown, New Jersey, found Hamilton with an army of well under 10, 000. The army, however, was reinforced steadily as the winter progressed into spring. During this time Hamilton recorded, â€Å"the many deserters coming in from the enemy showed them to be in desperate straits†¦Since the possibility that the French might enter the war in Europe would disincline the British from sending reinforcements overseas†. (Flexner, 77) Hamilton spent the winter of 1777-1778 with Washington and the Continental Army at Valley Forge. Hamilton’s Non-military/Political Career Hamilton began his non-military career soon after the Revolutionary War. After three months of intensive study of the law in Albany, New York, Hamilton was admitted to the bar in July of 1783. Then, after the British army evacuated New York City, he opened his law office at 57 Wall Street.Hamilton also continued with his political endeavors. He served in Congress from 1782 to 1783, was elected to the Continental Congress, and founded the Bank of New York in February of 1784 . Once elected, Hamilton remained politically active all of his life. He prepared but did not present a proposal calling for a convention with full powers to revise the Articles of Confederation. Instead, he became one of the prime movers for calling the Annapolis Convention. At the Annapolis Convention in September of 1786, Hamilton served as one of three delegates from New York.â€Å"He supported Madison in inducing the Convention to exceed its delegated powers and personally drafted the call to summon the Federal Convention of May 1787 at Philadelphia. At that Convention, Hamilton again represented New York as one of three delegates†. (Goebl,, 127) Rivalry with Jefferson Considering Hamilton in relation to Thomas Jefferson is instructive. During their lives, the two men engaged each other in a titanic struggle over the form of the United States government and its relationship to society. In a directly parallel fashion, the public images of the two men also have been in per petual contention.â€Å"Yet while Hamilton and the Federalists were able to seize the reins of power in the 1790s and institute many of their programs, it is Jefferson who, in the long run, captured the imagination and love of the American people†. (Syrett, 82) Last Years Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton had been on friendly terms for years, but after fifteen years of having every political aspiration thwarted by Hamilton, Burr was seething with anger and itching for revenge. Burr's loss in the governor's race led him to challenge Hamilton to a duel. On July 11, 1804 in Weehawken, New Jersey, Burr exacted his revenge on his nemesis with a single shot.Alexander Hamilton died from the wound on July 12, 1804 in New York City. Works Cited Cooke, Jacob E. , The Reports of Alexander Hamilton, New York: Harper & Row, 1964. Frisch, Morton J. , Selected Writings and Speeches of Alexander Hamilton, Washington/London: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1985. Goeb l, Julius, The Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton, Vols. I & II, New York: Columbia University Press, 1964, 1969. Syrett, Harold C. , The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, Vols. 1-27, New York/London: Columbia University Press Flexner, James T. , The Young Hamilton. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1978.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The election system in Mexico Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The election system in Mexico - Essay Example The person who gets more votes selects for the leading of state and government affairs. Present electoral process is the modified form and it continuously changed its shape according to the revolutionary demands of history. By electoral process a common man gets the power to select its own leader so it is the power of people not power of lords. By this process every one participate in the decision making process related to the state future and its people. Past scenario The history of politics in Mexico started by the independence on Sep 16th 1810 in the town of Dolores Hidalgo. The priest Miguel Hidalgo Costilla kept the first mile stone of the political background in the Mexico. So the start of politics was by the priest and the head of state was to be priest and church as the office for serving political issues. Till 1858 the same system was implemented for political orders but due to its draw backs and un justice affairs the state was separated from church by Benito Juarez, a Zapo tec from Oaxaca, became president and order to separate both the church and state from each other as both are different things can’t work properly together. Mexicans struggled hard for modification of their political system. The Revolution of 1910-20 was a mile stone of their struggle and change towards improvement in politics. They make the constitution of 1917, by which they described the grounds for their modern political system .Mexico's governing institutions and political culture also have great effect of three centuries of Spanish colonial rule on their structure and working procedure. Current scenario The Mexico politics framework consist of a federal presidential representative democratic whose government is based on a congressional system, the president of Mexico at same time perform duties of head the of state and head of the government. The executive power is in hand of the executive branch, and president President runs it as he has a cabinet of secretaries advise s the executive branch that are independent of the legislature. . The main important political parties working in Mexico politics are: (PAN), the (PRD) and (PRI). The citizen of Mexico above the 18 years old can participate in the vote casting process, The vote casting is compulsory but not enforced on the citizens. The main documents needed for the participation of the citizen in vote casting process are their identity documents there is no pre registration system in the Mexico for election process. For the electoral process there is no electoral college etc and can take place in any governmental and nongovernmental place. In exceptional cases when the head is missing due to some cause the system of selection can be change and can adopt other options of selection too. The presidentional elections in Mexico take place after each six years, although in exceptional cases the time line can be change according to situations. Legislative elections are scheduled every six years for the el ections for the senate and state usually take place together and elections for the he Chamber of Deputies held in every three years. Mostly elections are held on first Sunday of July. The selection procedure for the state governors are also similar to that of the head and elections for the purpose of state governors selections held after six years, legislatures elections are renewed after every three years.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business Computing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Computing - Term Paper Example In addition to this other concerned areas related to profitability like the capacity utilisation of the apartments and the marketing efforts to increase the demand of the services offered through the renting of the apartments would also be analysed in this report. This analysis along with other related secondary research would be used to help Shana in suggesting ways through which she can run the business in a more effective way and add to the profits of the business concern. Findings and Analysis â€Å"Seaview Apartments† is located at the peninsular region of Mornington, Australia and is at a walking distance from the nearby beach present there. Local tourists which include the residents of Melbourne are mainly found to visit the Mornington Peninsula. Various types of beaches and other different types of natural attractions are present in the area. Thus people visiting the place have a nice time visiting all the tourist places present there (Visitmorningtonpeninsula, 2012a). Hence â€Å"Seaview Apartments† is present in an advantageous location for the tourists visiting the area. Four types of apartments are offered on rent by â€Å"Seaview Apartments†, namely one bed room apartment, one bedroom deluxe apartment, two bed room apartment and the deluxe studio apartment. Thus it can accommodate customers of different types according to their varied requirements and preferences. Each of the apartment types is fully self-contained and hence all necessary facilities are available for the customers required to stay and spend their time at any of these apartment types. All these factors suggests that â€Å"Seaview Apartments† is well equipped with... Business Computing Term Paper All these apartments are self-contained with all the necessary accommodation features required to stay there are available for the tourists. Discounts are also available for the customers who rents for seven or more days in any of the apartments mentioned above. The business is being successfully run by Shana but she is sceptical about the level of profits being earned from the business. She has raised concerns regarding the capacity utilisation of the apartments and the profitability associated with the business. The main purpose of this report is to analyse all the relevant facts related to the profitability and capacity utilisation of â€Å"Seaview Apartments†. Based on the findings and analysis of the information available regarding the apartments, some recommendations have also been suggested in this report which would help Shana to make effective utilization of the available capacity in her apartments and increase the profitability of the business. Previously all the inf ormation related to bookings of the apartments was recorded by Shana manually in the order they were received. The processing of data and analysis of the information contained in those manual records posed difficulty for Shana to take any kind of decisions to facilitate effective running of the business. The analysis of the findings from the information presents in the spreadsheet model developed by Shana and different other sources suggest that â€Å"Seaview Apartments† have ample opportunities to increase its popularity and enhance its profitability by a significant amount.

State Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

State Development - Assignment Example State can be and has been the key agent in development The concept of development has been used in different contexts over the course of time. It is often used for positive expressions pertaining to ‘good change’ or ‘progress’. However these two terms in themselves are intricate and need to be thoroughly understood. Refining it further, development may also be availed in the context of being a vision, a historical process of change in society and finally as an intentional process influenced by agencies and government. The aspect of change deliberates that development is a process. Development is a broad terminology and encompasses various subjects and may be used in diverse contexts but here we concentrate our meaning more towards the development of societies and individuals within societies. This process of development is influenced by an amalgamation of both social and political factors. What is more important to understand is that this process of change e ntails a wholesome approach, pertaining to a desirable change that occurs at all levels and is not confined to improvement in one aspect alone. It also goes a step further in that this process is continuous in nature and sustains by regular evaluations and a self-building practice. The smallest unit of this web starts at the level of an individual, while encompassing the society at large, simultaneously. It is individuals that ultimately make up a society. Therefore, change at a large scale is the reflection of change taking place at the smallest of levels. Hence, change in the thought process of an individual, their means of interaction; strategies that they use for making livelihood and their perception of themselves are what form the fundamentals of this change. This brings the fact that development entails both negative as well as positive features. Altogether, what one can at least decipher from this is that development is a product of multiple raw materials and hence can be sp oken of in multiple contexts. When speaking of development and capitalism working together two forms of development must be stressed upon namely; immanent and intentional development. The former states that development is inherently a process of self-building and growth occurring from within, without the influence of any extrinsic factors like policies. The latter, on the other hand involves the influence of policies and state agencies in giving rise to development. If we look at the start of the 19th century we realize that by its beginning capitalism had advanced into being a market society finally culminating into a global process. While when talking of development in the view of state the concept changes into being one that can be measured and analyzed statistically, hence more objectively. Therefore a developed society in this context is one that is modern and industrialized and not just rich in wealth but also one that is becoming economically stronger and striving towards gro wth and improvisation. This entails that GNP per capita is not only high but is always on the rise. This entails a set of characteristics which are mentioned as follows; the use of scientific knowledge, and its application rather than using traditional techniques. Another way of gauging the industrial development is by transition from olden subsistence farming to the commercial production of goods. Third is the evolution from the use of animal and plant power to the application of machines and last is the migration of individuals from villages to urban centers (Smelser 1968, pg126). Hence when we reflect upon the western industrialized countries what we realize is that they have undergone a process of development in their economy coupled with growth. The former includes an improved and augmented capacity and output while the latter implies an increasing GNP or GDP. This results in a higher income per capita. This modernization influences aspects relating to the quality of life by

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

ECOTOURISM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

ECOTOURISM - Essay Example Thus a new concept of Ecotourism emerged. Ecotourism is focused primarily on exploring the nature and learning from it. Most countries encourage this because it attracts a large number of tourists to the land, which helps improve the economy. It typically occurs in areas that are naturally well-endowed, and it is expected to contribute to the conservation and preservation of such areas. Though all the promotional activities in tourism, especially that of ecotourism, are done in the guise of love for the environment and efforts to protect it, the underlying motive is profit making. Visiting exotic cultures and pristine sceneries of the host land provide the tourists a rare and unique experience, and they readily spend huge sums of money to be able to share it. The local tour operators and government seize this potential and promote the tourist activities. Most of the time the result is that the environment that they proclaim to protect is often exposed to deterioration. Though cultura l exchange is upheld as one of the benefits of ecotourism, the reality is that culture is being sold as brands. The safaris into an African jungle or a visit to the backwaters of Kerala by herds of tourists are not helping the environment improve; instead these only cause trouble to the natural resources of the area. But the stakeholders like tour operators, agents, local administration and government etc are deriving monetary benefits which motivate them to promote such activities instead of discouraging it and saving the environment from harm. Thus one can easily see that profit making is the main objective of all the propaganda about ecotourism. Ecotourism has become a much sought after means for the intensified economic growth and is well illustrated in its rapid expansion worldwide over the past two decades. The fact that more and more nations are waking up to the economic potentialities of ecotourism that has turned almost all pristine places across the world as the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

International Business and Global Strategy Essay

International Business and Global Strategy - Essay Example As labor productivity rises, cost of production falls and producers profit rises (Baumol & Blinder, 2010). This leads to hike in overall wage rate in the economy. With rise in profit, there is technological advancement in the productive process and also capital per worker rises since the producer gets the incentive to expand production. This again boosts labor productivity (Bruce, 2004). When NAFTA was signed this fact raised concern since with lower productivity per worker the Mexican industries would deteriorate under free trade. 2. The Heckscher-Ohlin theorem explains that when a country engages in trade with another country, it would export those goods that utilize higher quantity of those factors of production, that are available in abundance in the country and would import those goods, production of which require relatively higher amounts of factor that is relatively scarce in the country (Arora, 2007). In simple terms, a country would export capital intensive commodities if th e capital to labor ratio is higher in the country compared to labor to capital ratio (Cherunilam, 2008). However, there is considerable debate regarding the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem. ... , although the United States has been acknowledged as a capital abundant country since the time of World War 2, it imports capital-intensive goods while exporting labor-intensive goods (Iastate, n.d.). Several economists have tried to provide an explanation for this paradoxical result, including Leontief himself. One reason behind this result is the notion of demand reversal. According to this concept, the US has relatively higher preference for capital intensive commodities. This raises price of capital while the price of labor is ultimately lower than capital. This indicates that US follows the H-O theorem while exporting labor intensive goods. Secondly, it is also argued that the US is a skill abundant country. Therefore, following the H-O theory the US exports labor intensive commodities. Although these explanations corroborate the H-O theorem, it is undoubted that the theorem in its own accord falls short of describing the pattern of international trade. Most of the assumptions underlying this theory are not realistic, such as; all countries do not have identical technology of production and all production processes do not follow constant returns to scale. Hence, according to my opinion, the H-O theorem needs to be reframed so as to be able to make more accurate predictions about international trade. 3. Flexible exchange rate system refers to the monetary system in which rate of exchange between two currencies belonging to two different countries is determined by market forces, i.e., the â€Å"forces of demand and supply† (Siddaiah, 2010, p. 43) existing in these countries. This system of determination of exchange rate between two currencies allows the foreign exchange market to determine actual worth of a currency. Therefore, changes automatically occur in the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Operations management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Operations management - Coursework Example The culinary department encompasses kitchen affairs while the rest of the departments are self explanatory given the line of duty. The supply department is one of the key departments that carry a lot of significance in having the hotel and restaurant facilities running. A hotel usually has many amenities that keep it going and these include food and drinks, toiletry amenities, bedding, furniture and kitchen cutlery. Depletion of these supplies fluctuates depending on the high and low seasons of customer inflow to the facilities. However, the Olympic Games are a unique scenario that makes a long calling for hotel facilities. Attendance to this colossal sporting event is recorded as one of the largest in the sporting history that closely competes with FIFA World Cup. In such contexts, hotel organizations are keen to ensure quality services to the expected large number of customers. Quality services entail customer satisfaction, employee etiquette and above all reliable delivery of hote l goods and amenities from various supplies that keep the running of the hotel facility alive. Supply is an aspect in the hotel industry that concerns operational management. A relationship between operations management and supply will be discussed in this paper, in addition to the factors considered in reliable hotel supply. These details will be encapsulated with various analyses of the way hotels and restaurants could ensure reliable supply to their respective requirements, and a further analysis of some operational techniques that could be employed to ensure both quality and reliability in supplies broken under various subsections in this paper. Operations Management and Supply: Techniques to be employed by Operations Management Operations management is a management area that deals with planning and product management, procedures, various business services and most importantly, supply chains. This management level, though at the management level on the management hierarchy betwe en strategic and operational levels, is considered to be the epicenter that holds most businesses. Every efficiency and profit realized in most business franchises should be attributed to this management section and especially the personnel in charge. This might be despite the attribution always being to the strategic level of most organizations. In the hotel industries, among other tasks, operations management is also tasked in ensuring reliable hotel amenities supply for the smooth flow of activities in the facility. To do this, several personality traits for the operation manager are vital to ensure efficiency and effectiveness given the delicate environment of hotel activities that revolve on service delivery and employee etiquette. These traits will ensure efficiency in service delivery that would include reliable supply delivery that has the standard quality characters. They could also describe the various techniques that hotels need to undertake in order to ensure quality in supply from suppliers (Stevenson, 2008). The first trait that the operation manager should contain is leadership. This trait might seem a little bit general, but in the real sense, it has more than is defined by the first impression. Leadership entails the authority to spread influence among a team of subordinates and peers in a given context of society, either in work or other general scenarios. Qualities that may be exhibited by prominent leaders include trustworthy,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Supreme Court Essay Example for Free

The Supreme Court Essay The Supreme Court made a ruling in Free Enterprise Fund vs. PCAOB saying that Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) will remain â€Å"fully operative as law† with the exception that The Securities and Exchange Commission will be able to remove at will members of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. Previously they were not able to and was said to violate the appointment clause of the constitution. This changed job security for its five board members ending a three-year battle between a Nevada firm Beckstead and Watts who sued PCAOB in 2006. The accounting firm declared that it was unconstitutional for SEC to appoint its board members rather than the president giving it to much authority unchecks by executives. However, a decision been made by the courts to meet the plaintiffs at the halfway, pointed out that if was against constitutional policy to remove board members completely it would violate separation of powers principle. The courts rest the power with the president to have complete authority to hire and fire PCAOB members. According to Susan Hackett general counsel, this was an important move because it invalidated the PCAOB appointment process and upheld the SOX Legislation. A power move to allow congress and the president to have ultimate ability to control institutions that possess significant insight of companies. This decision in my opinion opens up a fair market and does not allow larger company to push and over power smaller firms. Board members must go through a screening process so not to have bias authorizes in control. Reference Jaeger, J. (June 28, 2010). High Court Ruling only Tweaks Sarbanes Oxley Act. Enforcement and Litigation, 13. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge Analysis English Literature Essay

An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge Analysis English Literature Essay An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce, is a short story with a unique plot twist. Ambrose Bierce uses time as a way of manipulating the readers perspective. Time is defined by a nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession. ( This distortion of the continuous forward motion of time disrupts the perception of reality. When the reader can no longer distinguish actual reality from a perceived reality, other character judgments come into question as well. The disruption of time allows the sequence of events in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge to be presented in a manner that forces the reader to question any assumptions made about Peyton Farquhars true character. By taking the reader through the mind of Peyton Farquhar during the moments prior to his death, his miraculous escape, and his sudden snap back into the present, the reader is left wondering about the true nature of time and the effect it has on the awarene ss of reality. The narrators description of every tangible detail to the story sets a specific time period for the events that take place. The reader can easily distinguish a historical time line for the story. Being a slave owner and like other slave owners a politician he was naturally an original secessionist and ardently devoted to the Southern cause. (Bierce p. 72) The story is set in the south, during the Civil War. Ambrose Bierce uses a specific time period as a method of developing the readers perception, of not only the situation, but of the character of Peyton Farquhar himself. By labeling Peyton Farquhar as a slave owner (Bierce p. 72), politician (Bierce p. 72), and original secessionist (Bierce p. 72), the reader may begin to empathize with the reasons for Peyton Farquhars situation. The reader can easily believe that by being devoted to the Southern cause (Bierce p 73) during the Civil War, the man who [is] engaged in being hanged (Bierce p. 74) is justifiably in the situation. The de scriptive language used to describe Peyton Farquhar during this specified moment in history, elicit strong emotions in the reader. Ambrose Bierce easily manipulates the readers perception of Peyton Farquhar while solidifying the reality of the story. Ambrose Bierce continuously foreshadows the disruption of time and Peyton Farquhars upcoming death. The moments leading up to his hanging, Peytons reality begins to become distorted. He became conscious of a new disturbance. (Bierce p 74) A sound which he could neither ignore nor understand, a sharp, distinct, metallic percussion like the stroke of a blacksmiths hammer upon the anvil. (Bierce p 75). What should be an irrelevant background noise suddenly becomes extremely significant and loud. Ambrose Bierce clearly expresses just how significant the few moments before death become. More significantly for Bierces purposes, though, is that time itself, when employed to calibrate human experience, seems to become indeterminate at points of maximum emotional disturbance. (Stoicheff) Peyton Farquhar only hears the ticking of his watch. (Bierce p 75) This distinct reference to time gives the reader a moment to ponder just how many ticks of Peytons watch actually occur during the upcoming s equence. As the noose tightens around his neck, and he is as one already dead (Bierce p 75) from this state he [is] awakened ages later. (Bierce p 75) Death is a reality each and every individual must eventually accept. Having to face death in such a brutal manner leaves Peyton Farquhar reminiscent of his wife and home. He closed his eyes in order to fix his last thoughts upon his wife and children. (Bierce p 76) Although improbable, the thoughts of escape begin to cloud Peytons mind. If I could free my hands, he thought, I might throw off the noose and spring into the stream.' (Bierce p 76) Until this point in the story, Ambrose Bierces narration has maintained a steadfast objectivity. In the third and most notable section of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, when the sergeant stepped aside and the board is released from beneath Peyton Farquhar, the narration becomes much more emotion-laden. The reader begins to experience the pain and terror that must come from facing death in such a manner. Although the events of his escape are surreal and improbable, because time-flow is normally irreversible, the reader is continuously pushed forward into believing Peyton has actually survived his escape. Thus, allowing time to continue uninterrupted, yet more subjective. The reader is finally given small insight into the thoughts and emotions of Peyton Farquhar. The internal thoughts and fears of a man just moments from his death can be unnerving and terrifying. However, the reader nearly cheers for Peyton Farquhar to escape unharmed. The narrator continues the objective description of even such a traumatic scene. It seemed to himby the pain of a sharp pressure upon his throat, followed by a sense of suffocation. (Bierce p 75) With each passing moment, with each detailed description of the pain Peyton Farquhar must endure to achieve his escape, time seems to slow down. As in any adrenaline filled moment, time becomes slightly distorted, however Bierce again uses descriptions to what can only be a method of elongating a single moment. As [Peyton Farquhar] rose to the surface, gasping for breath, he saw that he had been a long time under water. (Bierce p 75) Farquhars ordeal describe[s] the sensations of an exhausted escaper as those of a hanged and dy ing man. (Palmer p363) Reality becomes further muddled in the readers mind. Initially the reader was left with many assumptions about the character of Peyton Farquhar. The factual descriptions given allowed the reader to sympathize with Farquhars captors. However, in the second section of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, the reader is given the opportunity to see the events unfold. It becomes apparent that although a secessionist, (Bierce p74) Farquhar was entrapped into the events that unfolded by a union soldier. The reader can than begin to sympathize with the character. Ambrose Bierce uses this opportunity to and entrance into the surrealist dream sequence to develop character more fully (Walz p262-265) The Truth the reader has come to accept begins to unravel and suddenly becomes questionable. The distortion of time and perception begin to distort the awareness of reality for the reader. Ambrose Bierce shows that time can be manipulated and elongated significantly by highly emotional events. (Stoicheff) The narrators description of the a single insign ificant sound and how it comes the most abundant thought before death should make the reader question the subjectivity of not only time, but reality and truth as well. The readers ability to sympathize with the character through a distortion of time and to begin to question the nature and subjectivity of time make apparent how relative truth is. In An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, reality is subject to time, emotions, and the reader assumptions. Each individual aspect effects reality significantly. Ambrose Bierce reiterates the fact that time, reality, and truths are all created in the readers mind. If the readers perception creates each aspect and the readers perception can be easily manipulated, then it stands to reason that each aspect can then be manipulated as well. However, although time is nature to subjective perceptions, Ambrose Bierce makes it obvious that it cannot be escaped. In the end, all is darkness and silence! (Bierce p75) Peyton Farquhar was dead; his body, with a broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath the timbers of the Owl Creek bridge. (Bierce p76)

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Collapse Of The Soviet Union Politics Essay

The Collapse Of The Soviet Union Politics Essay The Soviet Union, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), is a vast alliance of 15 different countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. USSR was founded in 1924 after the end of the monarchy of the czar. It was a constitutionally socialist state. It had a single-party political system that was dominated by the communist party. USSR was once one of the worlds superpowers. But in a twist of time, the Soviet Union was dissolved. Some think that this can be averted while some believe that it was inevitable. However, the collapse of the USSR cannot be explained by a simple yes-or-no answer. So what did really cause the fall of the mighty Soviet Union in just a period of 6 years? A very complex situation and many factors such as economic problems, Soviet Union leadership and differences in the ideologies led to the dissolution of the USSR. This paper explains t he projected leading factors that paved way for the collapse of the USSR, and answer whether the collapse could be prevented or that it is inevitable. The USSR was a global superpower in terms of the military capabilities it possessed. The time was turning; the characterization of being called a superpower shifted from military and defense capabilities to economic stability and power. In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev, a communist reformer, was appointed as the Soviet leader. His major reforms such as the famous Glastnost and Perestroika led to the disorientation of the USSR. James Graham stated that Gorbachevs major reforms allowed the problems of the Soviet to be revealed and become known to the public. The collapse of the USSR is an extremely extensive topic. Many different factors contributed to this historical event. Some of the major factors of the USSR collapse will be discussed briefly here: The USSR is a vast territory. The difficulties in governance, control and monitoring is very hard to accomplish. The geographical considerations are important aspects for effective governance political and economical. The Soviet Union was the worlds largest state consisting of 15 countries. It also had the worlds largest border, having 60000 kilometers (37,000 mi). According to Robert Buddan, Geography defines territory and territory is the very definition of a state. Analyzing the situation using common sense, the larger the territory, the more difficult for a government to monitor and govern the territory. Imagine 15 countries being monitored and governed by only 1 leader, it is undeniably hard. On the other hand, Curzon claimed that the size of USSR is not to be blamed for its collapse. There are always different sides of the story, understanding both sides widens the area of knowledge and makes it easier to make a stand. The ideologies of USSR are combinations of different types such as nationalism, socialism, and communism. The Soviet had a diverse combination of ideologies that made it hard to reconcile them into one dominant ideology. Gorbachev implemented structural reforms that led to the opposition of most of the popular movements in the union. Some wanted to replace the system of the Soviet into a liberal democratic system. Some wanted independence from the national republics. Some wanted the restoration of the old Soviet ways. This difference in ideologies was a very big problem then. Although Gorbachev tried to reconcile the union, in the end, he cannot make the union members to arrive into an ultimate compromise. This failure of uniting the conflicting ideologies led to the disintegration of the members of the Soviet. There is an elderly form of leadership in the soviet. Gorbachev succeeded three previous Soviet leaders in just three years. He was the first young leader that the Soviet appointed. For a long long time, the Soviet lack flexibility because of the limited use of their elderly leaders. Because of the lack of flexibility of these elderly leaders, the inability to adapt to the ever-changing world and to adapt new and different approaches on the foreign and domestic policies was very evident. The Soviet command economy and the Western market economy were competing because of the economic policies that were implemented by Gorbachev. Gorbachev implemented new economic policies that he believed will be able to improve the living conditions and the working productivity of the Soviet. Kenneth S. Deffeyes argued in Beyond Oil that the Reagan administration encouraged Saudi Arabia to lower the price of oil to the point where the Soviets could not make a profit from selling their oil, so that the USSRs hard currency reserves became depleted. The Soviet economy was apparently crumbling down. The US foreign policies forced the Soviet to allot their wealth on defense such as the Star Wars program and the Afghan war. The wrong allotment of the wealth of the Soviet caused the Union to be burdened some more. Furthermore, it was reported that the reason behind the bankruptcy and collapse of the Soviet was due to the massive military spending during the 1970s. The Soviet was blinded by their former military power (Afghanistan). Anthony Arnold compares Soviet Union with a sick old man and Afghanistan as the pebble which this exhausted sick man stumbled on and fell. Rameen Moshref argued that according to Arnold, the Soviet Empire stood on three pillars: Military, KGB, and Communist party, and argues that the Afghan War ate into these pillars thus weakening them to the point of break-down. The corruption and bureaucracy in the government was rampant. Rameen Moshref quoted that At the eve of Russian invasion of Afghanistan, the rotting effects of absolute centralism and autocratic power on the national psychology [Stalinistic, old school philosophy] had resulted in corruption, non discipline, irresponsibility, and grassroots apathy, the same problems which had plagued Peter the Greats administration before the Swedish War in 1700. It was because the high officials think highly of themselves; they did what they can to be able to get money from the government. Corruption was rampant because of the kind of government that was ruling the country. This will lead to the disorientation of the country and eventually, its collapse. The lack of honest information, secrecy and propaganda led to the disorientation of the union members eventually, breaking up of the union. Lack of transparency in the government, secrecy and propaganda were rampant in the Soviet. When Gorbachev was appointed as the head of the state, he implemented the Glastnost which promoted openness, transparency and honesty. There was freedom of speech in the USSR. However, many radicals or hardliners was not in favor with this kind of system. Furthermore, the liberal press was allowed to grow and flourish in the USSR. But, in 1989, Glastnost broke free totally from his masters; it was used against its creator, Gorbachev. And as it grew, piece by piece the truth behind the Soviet was revealed to its people. The Soviet people became more and more angry because of what they are learning. Thus, government and people was at war which led to the dissociation of the government, then led to the collapse. The Soviet Union kept its existence out of this world. They had many enemies but no allies. The Soviet long before isolated themselves from the world. They didnt bother their international relations. What matters to them is their weapons. They built a massive army that eventually lost its foot hold. Cohen argued that the US attempted to isolate and contain Russia. The international and domestic policies that were implemented by Gorbachev opened the Soviet to the world that led to more weakening practices. Eventually, the Soviet was disoriented in many aspects that led to their demise. Glastnost (openness) and Perestroika (reconstruction): most famous policies of Gorbachev The Glastnost policy is the opening of the Soviet to transparency, honesty and freedom in the Soviet. It angered many radicals which led to a separation of ideals which is large. Furthermore, the Glastnost re-examined the history of the state and changed the very course of its history. Glastnost allowed the facts to be presented to the people. This information led to the anger of the masses. The Perestroika is an economic reform policy that Gorbachev implemented. The Soviet was experiencing two decades of economic stagnation, and Gorbachev saw that. He acted with the use of Perestroika. However, his insistence on slow gradual economic reforms annulled any positive effects that the reforms might have had. Graham said This reluctance to introduce meaningful free market reforms to the Soviet economy lost Gorbachev the support of the people. Those are the major issues that led to the dissociation of the Soviet Union. It can be observed that these are no simple things. The Soviet Union was in a state that was already reached it limits. It was not Gorbachevs fault that the state collapsed. He even made reforms to repair and refresh the government but these all failed because the Soviet is in a state where it is not inevitable to collapse. The collapse of the Soviet Society is inevitable because its basics are crude and not fitted in a world like ours. Its views on things are not the way things should be. Figuratively, the Soviet is living in a world of fantasy. They did not want other countries to share in their pains. They want to be isolated however, it is not a plausible thing to do. Thus, the collapse of the Soviet Union is definitely inevitable, it cannot be stopped or averted.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

3. PAPILDYTOSIOS REALYBÄâ€"S MIKROPROGRAMÃ… ², PIRTAIKYTÃ… ² PAÃ… ½INTIANIAM TURIZMUI, PALYGINAMOJI ANALIZÄâ€" Antrame baigiamojo darbo skyriuje nagrinÄâ€"jome septynis papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ modelius, todÄâ€"l Ã… ¡ioje dalyje tarpusavyje palyginsime jÃ… ³ taikomuosius pavyzdÃ… ¾ius. Kiekvienam modeliui buvo parinkta viena papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprograma, kuri jau Ã… ¡iandien yra sÄâ€"kmingai taikoma paÃ… ¾intiniame turizme. 3.1 Papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ palyginimas Pagrindiniai ir svarbiausi palyginimo kriterijai yra mikroprogramos kaina, atsisiunÄ iamÃ… ³ duomenÃ… ³ dydis, kalbÃ… ³ skaiÄ ius ir, Ã… ¾inoma, operacinÄâ€" sistema, kurioje mikroprograma gali bÃ… «ti taikoma ir naudojama. Taip pat buvo atkreiptas dÄâ€"mesys Ä ¯ virtualiÃ… ³ objektÃ… ³ nuskaitymo bÃ… «dÄ…, prieigos prie interneto bÃ… «tinumÄ… ir paskutinÄ ¯ mikroprogramos atnaujinimÄ…. PaÃ… ¾velgus Ä ¯ palyginimo lentelÄâ€"s duomenis (Ã… ¾r. 1 priedÄ…), iÃ… ¡ryÃ… ¡kÄâ€"ja svarbi papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ naudojimo problema – operaciniÃ… ³ sistemÃ… ³ Ä ¯vairovÄâ€" ir nesuderinamumas. Ã…  i problema tampa dar svarbesne, kai kalbame apie papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramas, pritaikytas paÃ… ¾intiniame turizme. Norint jas iÃ… ¡naudoti kartu, reikia suderinti jÃ… ³ operacines sistemas, kad keliaujantis vartotojas turÄâ€"damas vienÄ… iÃ… ¡manÃ… ³jÄ ¯ telefonÄ… ar planÃ… ¡etinÄ ¯ kompiuterÄ ¯ galÄâ€"tÃ… ³ pasinaudoti visomis paÃ… ¾intiniam turizmui pritaikytomis papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramomis. RezultatÃ… ³ lentelÄâ€"je matome, kad nÄâ€"ra nei vienos operacinÄâ€"s sistemos, kurioje veiktÃ… ³ visos analizei pasirinktos, paÃ… ¾intiniame turizme taikomos, papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramos. OperaciniÃ… ³ sistemÃ… ³ suderinamumas - tai svarbiausias papildytos realybÄâ€"s mikroprogramÃ… ³ kÃ… «rÄâ€"jÃ… ³ uÃ… ¾davinys. Mikroprogramos atsisiunÄ iamÃ… ³ duomenÃ… ³ dydis yra dar vienas gana svarbus kriterijus, nes siunÄ iantis Ã… ¡iuos duomenis naudojam... ...umu ir yra maÃ… ¾iau reprezentatyvios, taÄ iau Ã… ¡io tyrimo atvejui labiausiai tinkamas imties sudarymo bÃ… «das yra parankios imties, kai Ä ¯ imtÄ ¯ Ä ¯traukiami pirmieji pasitaikÄ™ populiacijos elementai. Tyrimo imtÄ ¯ sudarys tie respondentai, kurie pirmieji atsakys Ä ¯ anketos klausimus. Kai populiacijos dydis yra Ã… ¾inomas, imties dydÄ ¯ galima apskaiÄ iuoti remiantis 1993-ais metais matematiko D.M.Schwarze iÃ… ¡vesta formule: Ä ia: N – populiacijos dydis; z – statistinÄâ€" konstanta atitinkamam patikimumo lygmeniui. z=1,96 atitinka standartizuoto normaliojo skirstinio 95% pasikliovimo lygmenÄ ¯; ÃŽ µ – pageidautinas tikslumas, kuris daÃ… ¾niausiai bÃ… «na ÃŽ µ=5%; p=q=50%=1/2, nes tai tiriamo poÃ… ¾ymio pasirodymo / nepasirodymo tikimybÄâ€". Imties dydÃ… ¾iui apskaiÄ iuoti internete galima rasti Ä ¯vairiausiÃ… ³ skaiÄ iuokliÃ… ³, o jas panaudojus galima patikrinti, ar gautas rezultatas yra teisingas (Ã… ¾r. 4 priedÄ…).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Impressions of America :: History

Impressions of America I have been in this country for almost three months now. One of the biggest challenges is getting along peacefully with the native population. To Americans one of the most important things is to make sure that no one gets insulted or hurt and that everyone is heard. Some would go to the extent of not revealing their true opinion, in order to avoid confrontation. In some group discussion decisions, if reached at all, are made after making long, tedious conversation about the topic at hand. While there are some merits to this kind of behavior, other aspects of interpersonal aspects are lost, such as frankness and being open to one another. Sitting among other international students enhances these observations by listening to the so-called â€Å"outsiders† talk amongst themselves. On one occasion a fellow student tried to explain something to his friend from another foreign country that he had different opinions from him on a certain subject, talking and describing the matter and â€Å"beating around the bush† as they say, when all of a sudden the listener said,† Just say what you think – don’t be an American.† I was amazed that someone noticed or thought the same way I did. Being misunderstood is one of the most common feelings I’ve felt since arriving at J.F.K. Airport. People being insulted or puzzled next to me is a pretty common site and a thing I’ve gotten use to, maybe due to my cynicism or the lack of interest in what other people think about me, a thing that is inconceivable by most Americans that I have gotten to meet. Local manners â€Å"state† that if another person did not take a liking to what you said or did then you must take that into consideration and try to avoid saying or doing that again. This is something that is very polite and considerate but steels away our individuality and personality and at times takes away the ability to really know the person next to you in class or at work. The people I encountered here are diverse and intelligent and by majority, opened to new ideas and way of thought. One of the most frequent questions I am asked is, â€Å"Are you planning to stay here after school?† Or, â€Å"Do you like it here?† These are questions that show interest in me and my future but at times are also implying a certain fear or distrust of foreigners.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

African American Religion Essay

Before Africans were brought to America during the slave trade, they had their own culture and society. They had their own language and dance. They also had their own religion. History tells us that the Europeans justified their abuse toward the Africans as helping them become more civilized because the Africans lifestyle appeared primal to them and not as developed and industrialized as theirs. What is often overlooked is that even though Africans were taken from Africa and Americanized and have been stripped of their religion, culture, language and even their name, the very essence of the African as a people did not go away. Some African American slaves rejected Christianity’s religion because they saw it as the â€Å"white man’s religion†. History tells us American Slave Masters abused the Africans by whipping them like animals and by treating them inhumane. The fact that these slave masters wanted the African American to worship their god was unacceptable for some because they could not fathom why they should worship a god who allowed people to be so badly treated. Some Africans accepted Christianity’s religion and faith by identifying with Jesus Christ, the son of God who according to the Bible was innocent of sin and yet he was beaten, bruised and crucified for the sins of the world. Some African Americans wanted to remain faithful to their heritage yet did not agree with the conjure practices. Seth Holly’s character is a good example of conforming to the economic prosperity of America which was founded by Christians. White Christians enforced Christian beliefs, values, and some practices based on the Euro American Christian interpretation of Christian text. Seth developed a kind of hatred for his own people proving that he has adopted the practices of white America in the early 1900s. â€Å"Niggers coming up here from that old backwoods†¦ coming up here from the country carrying Bibles and guitars looking for freedom. † Seth says. â€Å"They got a rude awakening† (6). Seth signifies the African American who resents assimilation to the white American culture. But, at the same time, he too attempts to connect with his heritage by simply allowing Bynum to live in his home and bless it with his conjures rituals. Seth also participates in an African dance ritual called the Juba. Bynum’s character is introduced by practicing conjure rituals. He cuts open pigeons and spreads its blood onto him as a type of cleansing to communicate with spirits. Bynum represents the African American who chose to remain faithful to the religion of his heritage. Others who have chosen the faith of Christianity view conjure rituals as evil, witchcraft, or demonic. Some African Americans wanted to remain faithful to their heritage yet did not agree with conjure practices anymore. Loomis walks in on the juba dance and goes into a trance after dinner at the boarding house. He had a vision of skeletons emerge from a body of water. â€Å"Loomis: I done seen bones rise up out the water. Rise up and walk across the water. Bones walking on top of the water† (53). Loomis recognizes through the vision, his state of ignorance to the knowledge that will lead him to the new way of thinking. Bynum serves as a supporting character reacting to Loomis’s trance. â€Å"Bynum: They walking around here now. Mens. Just like you and me. Come right up out the water† (56). Loomis’s trance and Bynum’s interpretation of it is a turning point in the story. The skeletons coming from the bottom of the sea in Loomis’s vision represent the slave ships, the disorientation experienced by the slaves during emancipation, and the confusion of his release from Joe Turner. Both Loomis and Bynum have tapped into their ancestral religion. The difference between the two is that Bynum represents the African who never renounced his religion and Loomis is the African-American who turned from conjure religion and converted to the faith of Christianity. After Joe turner took his life away from him, Loomis questioned his Christian faith and his identity. By walking in on the ancestral ritual of the Juba dance, Loomis literally walked into what he had actually been looking for, his religion, consequently, his ancestral identity and this is why he fell into the trance. Throughout the play conjures is encompasses four generations; Bynum’s father, Bynum, Loomis, and the neighbor boy Reuben. Reuben’s vision is of Seth’s mother by the pigeon coop, she encourages Reuben to release the caged pigeons. Wilson writes in a way that leads the reader to believe that Loomis needs to find his missing wife. Martha Pentecost is not the one who was lost; Loomis was the one who was lost, wondering around from town to town, searching. Loomis came into the state of belief when Bynum helped him translate his vision. That vision represented Loomis going back to his ancestral conjure religion. Loomis needed to find Martha Pentecost simply to say good-bye to her and their life former together. Up until this point of the story, I believed that Loomis needed to find his wife so they could live out the rest of their lives as a happy free family with their daughter. However, it is made pretty obvious this was never Loomis’s intentions. â€Å"That goodbye kept me out on the road searching,† Loomis says, â€Å"now that I see your face I can say my goodbye and make my own world† (90). Martha Pentecost, a woman of Christian faith, represents the African who assimilated into white America’s culture and Loomis needed to find her to say good-bye to her and the Christian faith. Martha stands by her Christian faith by accusing Loomis â€Å"you done gone over to the devil† (91). White man’s religion believed that conjure was evil or the way of the devil. Loomis finds it easier to reject her for her Christian beliefs. â€Å"Loomis: Great big old white man†¦your Mr. Jesus Christ. Standing there with a whip in one hand and a tote board in another, them niggers swimming in a sea of cotton† (92). Loomis proves with his statement, his version of a bible story that differed from other African Americans but was similar to that of the white man who believed that they were on a level below God and the African’s were beneath them, African’s were one third of a person. Loomis now believes that if African’s are going to be free then they have to take charge of their own destiny. Martha Pentecost represents the African American’s religion, she identifies that Loomis needs to â€Å"be washed in the blood of the lamb† (92) and â€Å"you done gone over to the devil. (91) Through class lessons I learned that African American slaves compared themselves with stories in the bible to instill hope of a life free from oppression, violence, and bondage. Jesus according to the bible was innocent of sin and yet he was beaten, bruised and crucified for the sins of the world. The hope of reigning in heave with Jesus is considered the ultimate reward for suffering life’s trials and tribulations. It is the faith of the African Americans who accepted Christianity religion. Blacks trusted in the Lord instead of man. America was Egypt in the exodus story and as long as the enslaving and oppressing took place America would face the same wrath as Egypt. â€Å"Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. † The bible was depended on in justifying and motivation rebellion for the blacks and used as a tool to keep blacks enslaved by the whites. African Americans used sermons, song, and prayer to convey and teach their message of travail and triumph of Israel. Some African Americans could not get past the treatment from the white people that called themselves Christians and as a result they rejected Christianity. Selig’s role suggests that the link between characters is the acquisition of material goods. Selig admits that his ancestors have always made their living pursuing African Americas; his great grandfather transported slaves from Africa, his father captured runaway slaves and returned them to their masters for a reward, and Selig locates displaced people for a fee. Selig attains his ecstasy through consumer capitalism, through the selling of material goods. African Americans are objects for exploitation and exchange in the new economy. He binds African Americans to the economic system, demanding payment of his services and products which necessitates subsistence labor by taking them from one construction site or work site to another, similar to a temporary employment agency today. You pay for an employee to work for some time, but Selig is getting paid by the person looking for work or a ride to a chance of freedom. Selig cannot find a person that has not purchased a dustpan from him because he keeps the names of his customers. Seth is determined to achieve material success, he has very little patience for African Americans migrating north looking for the same prosperity that he desires. Seth is very demanding of his patrons, insisting on advance payment in full, and is preoccupied with maintaining a respectable house. â€Å"It’s hard enough now without all that ignorant kind of acting. Ever since slavery got over with there ain’t been nothing but foolish-acting niggers. Word get out they need men to work in the mill and put in these roads†¦ and niggers drop everything and head north looking for freedom. †(5, 6) Seth wants to blend in with the white man’s world; therefore he keeps a link with Selig by negotiating the manufacturing and sale of dustpans. Seth does not have any idea of what it would be like to be a slave, as he was born free in the North and was educated. He demonstrates his education with his math calculation when dealing with the boarding house patrons and the quick notation of him letting Selig know that he is trying to overcharge him for the dust pan materials. Educational differences played a role in tension with Southern blacks, most of who were forbidden from learning to read, saw religion as a matter of oral tradition and immediate experience and emotion. Northerner blacks, stressed that one could not truly be Christian unless they was able to read the Bible and understand it. This play denies individual worth and identity for some of Wilson’s characters. To be defrauded of the products of one’s labor or to see that creation diminished, like with Jeremy and the guitar contest, is to be denied a reflection of individual worth and identity. If people have been separated from this truth of individual worth and identity through oppression their capacity to bond with one another, form friendships, or couples, families are undermined. Social alienation in Wilson’s characters are expressed in their stores of broken relationships, uncertainty, or suspicion that they feel toward one another. â€Å"Seth: Something ain’t setting right with that fellow, Bynum. He’s one of them mean-looking niggers look like he done killed somebody gambling over a quarter. †(20) Connection between oppression, alienation from self and inability to form bonds with others is displayed in the character of Loomis. Joe Turner’s ability to oppress Loomis carried a judgment of non-worth. â€Å"Loomis: He told me I was worthless. Worthless is something you throw away. Something you don’t bother with† (73) Turners judgment of worthlessness forced Loomis to accept the reality of the white man’s power; he was marked as â€Å"one of Joe Turners niggers and forced to forget his song. †(71) Being alienated from himself and displaced with his relation to the world, Loomis is unable to establish bonds with people around him. The oppression encountered by Wilson’s characters is material or economic, that oppression is spiritual as well in the capacity to deprive the individual of a sense of himself or his unique song. The reawakening of Loomis after his encounter with cultural wisdom is not the self discovery of an average African American but creation of a new source of cultural wisdom, a new African holy man. Wilson uses many metaphors throughout the play. The song is a metaphor for Loomis’s identity and the African American cultural identity. Music is a large part of African American identity, so it makes since that in search of one’s identity they are searching for their song. The boarding house serves as an inn for traveling folk, but the tenants actually receive a form of healing during their stay. Tenants get direction and guidance from Bertha and Bynum. The shiny man that Bynum is in search for signifies African American independence. The man that Bynum met on the road was an independent African American, just as Loomis was freed by his past when he cleansed himself in his own blood. â€Å"Bynum: Herald Loomis, you shining! You shining like new money! †(94) Loomis has dismissed that the blood of Christ can wash away his sins and make him the man he used to be, but by washing himself in his own blood he has sacrificed the old life to begin his new journey on his terms. Bynum’s shining man has been found, meaning his work is complete; he has passed his powers on to the next generation, Loomis. â€Å"They tell me Joe Turner’s come and Gone† is a song that is sung by Bynum, when I first read the story I thought that the meaning was came and now he is dead however, the second time I read the play I realized that it meant that Joe Turner has come and snatched the men and now he is now gone. August Wilson uses symbolism in the play as a very important part in conveying the meaning of the story. Wilson’s use of symbolism is demonstrated through Mr. Wilson’s use of the road, Martha Pentecost, and Herald Loomis. Symbolic importance is give to the word freedom. The word freedom has instilled hope into the lives of African Americans: during slavery, hope for the release from bondage; after emancipation, the right to be educated, employed, and to move about freely; twentieth century, social, political, and economic justice. Freedom has always stood for the absence of any restraint, because God made all men from his image. There are a number of characters that travel around searching for their place in the world. Mattie, mentions that she keeps on looking, seems like she just keeps starting over, I ain’t never found no place for me to fit. † (76) Reuben tells Zonia, when he finds out that she is leaving the boarding house in search of her mom, â€Å"when I get grown, I come looking for you. †(84) Jeremy does not seem to care much when he loses his job because, â€Å"don’t make me no difference. There’s a big road out there, I can always get my guitar and find me a place to stay. I ain’t planning on staying in one place for too long noway. † (64) Martha & Reverend Tolliver moved the Church up north because of the trouble the church was having. When the Civil War finally brought freedom to previously enslaved African Americans, the task of organizing religious communities was only one element of the larger need to create new lives, to reunite families, to find jobs, and to figure out what it would mean to live in the United States as citizens rather than property. August Wilson’s play, Joe Turner’s come and Gone, examines African Americans search for their cultural identity following slavery. Bibliography Murphy, L. G. (2000). Down By the Riverside. New York: New Yourk University Press. Wilson, A. (1988). Joe Turner’ Come and Gone. New York: Penguin Group.

Monday, September 16, 2019

“Of Mice and Men” is chiefly concerned with imprisonment and repression Essay

How does Steinbeck present such themes within the novella? All of the characters within Steinbeck’s â€Å"Of Mice and Men† have a dream, yet this dream is unobtainable because they are trapped, inside the ranch and inside themselves. They cannot break out because of their lifestyle and their need for work and money. Lennie and George dream of having their own ranch and â€Å"live off the fatta the lan'† yet they hold each other back. George represses Lennie, he has become like a father to him but will not let Lennie grow up, Lennie cannot talk without George’s permission. â€Å"What are you gonna say tomorrow when the boss asks you questions?† Lennie, however, realises that George cares for him and he has learnt to manipulate George, â€Å"If you don’t want me you only jus’ got to say so, and I’ll go off into those hills right there.† Lennie makes George guilty, so that George feels that he has to stay with him. Neither will let each other go, as neither knows about life without them. George and Lennie travelling together is unusual â€Å"Ain’t many guys travel around together† and this means that they are left as outsiders. Other workers turn up alone so have to fit into ranch life and into the group but as George and Lennie are together, they become unapproachable, as other workers are confused about their friendship. After leaving Weed George and Lennie believe that they have escaped from their problems however whilst Lennie is there they can never truly escape their problems as they will just follow them from place to place The marginalised characters are repressed, because of their age, sex, or race. Curley’s wife has no name; she is just the stereotypical woman. Candy’s dog also has no name and the two are on the same level on the ranch. Being married to Curley, she has given up her right to freedom, as at the time women were just expected to be a good wife â€Å"ain’t I got a right to talk to nobody?† Curley’s wife has dreams, like the others which she can never achieve â€Å"Coulda been in the movies an’ had nice clothes†. She is trapped in the ranch she could leave but would not be able to support herself, as all she has is Curley. Curley, whilst he seems like he is in control of his life, is imprisoned within his personality. Curley is the Boss’ son and feels that he must live up to the Boss’ reputation and be an unofficial leader for the ranch workers, the fact that Slim seems to have taken this role angers him. He is married and uses this to his advantage, he has something that the others do not have and uses this to intimidate the others and show off, â€Å"seems like Curley is cockier than ever since he got married.† However, Curley cannot control his wife and is paranoid that she may be seeing another worker, he is looking for her throughout the text, he knows her flirtatious nature and suspects others of being with his wife. It is pointed out by others that Curley is â€Å"like a lot of other little guys. He hates big guys† he feels that has to prove himself, just because he is mall does not’ mean that he isn’t’ strong. Curley likes to be in control and make others fear him and this holds him back, if he behaved like any of the ranch workers then it is likely that he would be accepted but he cannot change himself now. At the time of the novella, black people were discriminated against and Crooks is an example of this. He is left to live alone and we rarely see him. If Lennie had not gone into his room and spoken to him then we would have never met Crooks or learnt about him. He is never given a chance to speak or voice his opinion. The majority of the ranch workers were involved with the discussion about Candy’s dog but Crooks being in another room was never involved. Crooks knows being black is the reason for his isolation â€Å"Cause I’m black† but he can’t leave the ranch because he is crippled so he is imprisoned somewhere he is ignored. On a ranch where working is all there is to do Candy finds life difficult. He is the eldest and this prevents him from working and socialising. When the others are playing horseshoes Candy is not, he is talking with the other outsiders, George and Lennie, in the barn. Candy is not given chance to think or consider suggestions, during the conversation about his dog he seemed pressured into the decision. Carlson is speaking at him rather than to him and he is given very little time to form a counter argument. The town where the ranch is situated is called Soledad, which means, in Spanish, loneliness or secluded. George and Lennie have to walk miles to reach the ranch, suggesting that it is isolated. Once on the ranch workers are stuck doing the same monotonous tasks daily. Whilst workers could escape from that particular ranch, it would only be to find another. Because of the Depression, workers were stuck travelling from place to place in search of work and once they had found one place, some were reluctant to move on for fear of not being able to find any more work. Migrant workers were very low down in the social hierarchy and found it difficult to break out, as they needed the money. Steinbeck presents themes of imprisonment and repression well, with many ideas not apparent on the first read. His novella is a look at life in 1930s America and he manages to show how life was for many different types of people and shows how everyone was trapped in some way.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The AIDS Epidemic

Ever since the initial description of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1(HIV-1) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2(HIV-2) in the early 1980s, these two viruses have been repeatedly confirmed to be the causative agents behind Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).HIV-1 is the most predominant cause of AIDS in the world today and developing countries in Asia, South America and Sub-Saharan Africa bear the brunt of the AIDS epidemic (Hoffman et al 2007).  AIDS is a condition that is caused by immune system deficiency. It is a syndrome since it encompasses a pattern characterized by different symptoms presenting with varied manifestations. As an acquired condition or disease, infection is transmitted from person to person via specific transmission routes.These modes of transmission sets it apart from the numerous immune system diseases which are mainly genetic related or caused by anti-cancer as well as immune suppressing therapies.The first instances of AIDS infection can be traced to between 1979-1980 where HIV infections presented as a new disease that had never existed in medical practice or terminology (Chandramouli & Hubley 1995).AIDS among African AmericansIn 1981, Los Angeles doctors noticed a new disease. They were baffled that young men who were apparently healthy began developing pneumonia like disease caused by a microorganism that had never been detected before.It was strange because it was known that pneumocystis only caused disease among those with a compromised immune system. In New York, doctors began recording a new disease among young men. They identified the disease as being Kaposi's sarcoma because it damaged the immune system.One strange fact was that all the men infected were homosexuals, many of whom had contracted other sexually transmission infections like syphilis and gonorrhea. They reached a conclusion that the new disease must also be sexually transmitted (Chandramouli & Hubley 1995).The same symptoms were also found to be p revalent among the intravenous drug users and hemophiliacs. Since many of the drug users shared needles, researchers concluded that the disease was also transmitted through body fluids like blood.Since AIDS was mainly concentrated among gays and drug users who were mainly blacks a misconception arose due to the inherent discrimination and the disease was not tackled as it should have been.The result was a rapid spread of AIDS among the black community. The underlying socioeconomic and political factors helped to further fuel the AIDS epidemic among African Americans.Currently, African Americans are still disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. While blacks constitute only 13% of the entire US populace, 49% of AIDS cases are found among blacks. It has also been established that AIDS is the leading cause of mortality among Black women in the age bracket 24-34.Among men in the age group 33-44, AIDS is the second leading cause of death ( Among African Americans, st atistics show that more than 36% of all AIDS cases are attributable to homosexual/bisexual activity and approximately 38% are attributable to intravenous drug injections.Infections due to heterosexual contact account for approximately 12% of infections. This puts black Americans at a much higher risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, mainly due to same-sex sexual behavior, than other racial categories like Hispanics and Whites.The magnitude of the AIDS scourge among Black Americans is also due to a history of discrimination and neglect in instituting measures aimed at promoting a deviance from bisexual activity and other measures of prevention among the black community.The misperception that AIDS was only concentrated among blacks buttressed with the risk factors has served to worsen the AIDS scenario to this day (Levine et al 1997).The Origin of AIDSEver since the AIDS epidemic became a reality, several theories and evidences have been put forward to try and explain the origins of the AIDS epidemic. Just like any controversy, various fronts of argument have made it almost impossible to clearly confirm the exact origin of the virus.However, there is evidence that the retrovirus incriminated in causing AIDS has been in the environment even before AIDS as a disease became its worldwide spread.The current debates on the origins of the AIDS epidemic is not limited to the biological factors but has also been complicated by various political, social and economic theories that not only attempt to provide an explanation on the nature of the spread; as in among African Americans, but also provide scientific evidence to the extent that the virus was a product of genetic engineering.Initially, as the virus spread among the African American community, the disease and its etiologic agent remained largely unknown to the medical community. It has also not been resolved whether the virus originated from American soil or from African soil.The first pandemic is believed to have its orig in in America but the second epidemic causes by the HIV-2 have its center in West Africa. At the same time it is also believed that HIV-1 began to spread via three distinct routes; two routes have been traced to North America, while third route has been traced to Central Africa. It is uncertain whether the American and the African routes possess any relation whatsoever.The origin of the AIDS virus is attributed to an assertion made at a Congressional Hearing in 1969. It was predicted that the US military was in the process of developing a super germ for its use in the biowarfare program. The development of the new germ was to be made possible by the advancement in genetic engineering.The super germ would also have the capacity to wipe out massive human populations. Its mode of transmission would make ineffective any human intervention ton prevent its spread. The Department of Defense spokesperson is on record for having said that, â€Å"Within the next five to ten years, it would b e possible to produce a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important respects from any known disease causing organisms.Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease†(Testimony given before the Sub-Committee of the House Committee on Appropriations, Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, Washington, 1969) (Cantwell 1992, p 137).This initial assertion was later on buttressed by J. Clemmesen; a Copenhagen epidemiologist in 1973 when lecturing cancer researchers. He presented a visualization of a situation in which a virus could naturally or be scientifically being induced to mutate to produce a very contagious variant capable of causing an epidemic and thwarting any chances of vaccination.A decade after the Congressional hearing, the predictions seemed to have become a reality with the coming of the AIDS epidemic spre ading throughout the world despite interventions to prevent its spread.By 1985, four years after the first case of AIDS had been reported by doctors in excess of 130 countries had confirmed AIDS within their borders. This position of the origin conclusively shows that AIDS originated from the military laboratories (Cantwell 1992).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Maya Angelou-“Still I rise”, Benjamin Zephaniah- “Miss World” and Grace Nichols-“Sugar Cane” Essay

By a close analysis of language, show how the poets convey their cultural heritage and experiences through their poems. This essay will compare the cultural backgrounds and the style of language these three black poets use to describe their experiences. They are: Maya Angelou-â€Å"Still I rise†, Benjamin Zephaniah- â€Å"Miss World† and Grace Nichols-â€Å"Sugar Cane† through their poems. These three poems were written by black poets. They all have a theme of standing up for yourself, fighting for your rights and being strong and overcoming pain and suffering. â€Å"Sugar Cane† is a poem about the life of a sugar cane that is grown and harvested. The poet personifies the sugar cane so the reader can associate more with the sugar cane, and there is a compelling desire for the reader to want to read the poem. â€Å"Miss World† is about a girl who is beautiful inside and does not want to be judged like an object in a show. The poem is written like a rap and so is inviting to younger people. This poem teaches that appearances are not important. â€Å"Still I Rise† is about a woman talking about all the hardships her ancestors had to endure and how she will prevail whatever is thrown at her. This poem is about standing tall and strong and not letting anyone put you down. In â€Å"Sugar Cane†, the poet uses very descriptive language that helps the reader visualise the sugar cane. For example, â€Å"indifferent hard and sheathed in blades†. These blades are the sharp leaves of the sugar cane. This image is of a strong object, capable of defending itself. The blades are a symbol of the black slaves, able to fight back against people, wanting to destroy them. The poet also uses language in a West Indian dialect, â€Å"he isn’t what he seem† and â€Å"he shiver like ague when it rain†. The poet uses personification to help the reader visualise the sugar cane as a thin g that matters, like a person. Later on in the poem, the poet uses, â€Å"he comes to learn the truth about himself, the crimes committed in his name†. This refers to the fact that the slaves were used to farm the sugar cane for â€Å"the white man† and died from over work, exhaustion and starvation. In â€Å"Miss World† the poet also uses words that rhyme if the reader is reading in a West Indian accent, â€Å"best for self-defence† â€Å"cause no grievance†. Ordinarily these would not rhyme, so the reader would know at once by reading this or â€Å"de† (the) or â€Å"day†(they) that this poem is written in a dialect. In â€Å"Still I Rise† the poet always speaks in correct English and shows that she is well educated and is articulate. She uses phrases like â€Å"Leaving behind nights of terror and fear, into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear†. Sugar Cane is grown in many countries where black people live, and so most of them work to harvest t he sugar cane. Sugar Cane grows through life and becomes old, â€Å"His colour is the aura of jaundice when he ripe†. This could mean that the black slaves are unhealthy as a product of mistreatment. After sugar cane is possibly ageing, he then dies when â€Å"the hurricane strike smashing him to pieces† whether it is the hurricane killing him, or the farmers harvesting with machetes, â€Å"either way he can’t survive†. In some countries, sugar cane is the only source of income. The Poet uses the sugar cane as a metaphor for black people trying to be strong and fight back against racism and to show that they are tough on the outside but sweet on the inside like the sugar cane. This is similar to â€Å"Miss World† where the theme of the poem is not to judge people by their looks, † You cannot judge my sister’s heart by looking†¦just by looking†¦just by looking at her breast†. The sister is described as being â€Å"beautiful† because she has a personality and is not superficial like the people who judge others, â€Å"just by looking†. Even though she is beautiful, she would rather fight for her rights then be treated like a slave or an object. In â€Å"Sugar Cane† when black people were slaves, they’re lives were full of suffering and misery; the poet shows this as a metaphor for the sugar cane growing through the earth, â€Å"Slowly painfully sugar cane pushes his knotted joints upwards from the earth slowly painfully he comes to learn the truth about himself, the crimes committed in his name â€Å". Similarly, in â€Å"Miss World† the poet conveys the sister’s hard life by saying that she is beautiful but â€Å"Her legs are firm and sharp best for self-defence†, showing that she has to defend herself. In â€Å"Still I Rise†, the poet describes a painful life, â€Å"out of the huts of history’s shame, I rise, up from a past that’s rooted in pain, I rise† this refers to the extreme pain and suffering this race went through. The poet talks about how she will overcome everything that is thrown at her and she will prevail. â€Å"You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still like air, I’ll rise† The poet mentions power over the sugar cane, suggesting the slavery of the black race, â€Å"it is us who weed him in the earth in the first place† â€Å"we feel the need to strangle the life out of him†. These lines show that the farmers have power over whether sugar cane lives or dies. Similarly, the farmers have power over whether their slaves live or die. In â€Å"Miss World† the poet mentions slavery and that his sister does not want to be viewed like a slave at a slave market and give the judges power over her life, â€Å"day judge your lifetime by a quick interview†. In â€Å"Still I Rise†, the poet suggests that she is powerful, â€Å"welling and swelling I bear in the tide† There are also sexual references such as, in â€Å"Sugar Cane†, â€Å"smoothing stroking caressing al l his length shamelessly†. In â€Å"Miss World†, the poet writes that â€Å"her legs are firm and sharp† â€Å"she won’t walk the platform to upsex people’s lust†. In â€Å"Still I Rise†, the poet adds â€Å"I dance like I’ve got diamonds at the meeting of my thighs†. These sexually descriptive comments imply the stereotype of the black race as being very sexually active. These stereotypes include black men being virile and black people having a natural sense of rhythm. â€Å"Sugar Cane† is written in blank verse but has a very strong rhythm, â€Å"Slowly painfully sugar cane pushes his knotted joints upwards from the earth slowly painfully he comes to learn the truth about himself, the crimes committed in his name â€Å". The stanzas are in columns to look like a field of sugar cane. There is some repetition near the end with â€Å"slowly painfully†. This is probably used to emphasize the suffering of the black people. In â€Å"Miss World† the poem has a regular rhyme scheme. In other places the poem does not rhyme at all so this poem has an inconsistent rhyme scheme. There is an inconsistent stanza length throughout and there is one line that is long and sharp like a knife, which could be two short lines. â€Å"She could be out of sight but she would rather stay and fight†. This is a powerful line that stands out from the rest of the poem. There is some repetition on the last line, â€Å"by looking†¦just by looking†¦just by looking at her breast†. This is here to make the reader remember that it is what is inside that counts overall, not the outside. In â€Å"Still I Rise† each stanza is four lines long with a rhyme scheme where the second and fourth lines rhyme. This is consistent until the last two stanzas, where there is a line then â€Å"I Rise† then another line that rhymes with it, then two lines that rhyme. In the last stanza, it repeats â€Å"I Rise† at the end. This is here so it is a beacon of hope. Conclusion All these poems show the fact that black people suffered at the hands of other human beings and still do, just because the colour of their skin. These poems also show the fact that you do not have to let them take control of you or have power over you. You just have to remember†¦